Here’s a selection of the activities we offer and conservation projects we’ve worked on…
River Clean Ups
Community Gardening
Urban Planting
Beautification Projects
Water Quality Monitoring
Nature Walks
Geddington Brickyard Gardens
As regular supporters of the gardens, we have gifted them bat and bird boxes and helped to build wildlife habitats.
Seaford Head Beach
We enjoyed a stunning day out helping to clear the beach of litter and plastics.
Wicksteed Park, Northamptonshire
Tree planting for the Queens Green Canopy as part of the platinum Jubilee celebrations.
River Ise, Northamptonshire
With waders on and litter pickers at hand, we regularly visit the River Ise to help keep it clean.
North Downs, Surrey
Working with the Surrey Wildlife Trust to clear shrubs, preserving valuable chalk grassland and native insects.
Farthinghoe Recycle Centre
Working with our partners to clear banks to create space for wildflowers to regrow.